I arrived in North Bay just a little bit ago...after 18 hours of traveling. I went in to visit with Mom straight away. I was thrilled to find her awake and lucid and cracking jokes. I noticed she had her ipod next to her on the bed and I said "Mom, you got your ipod, were you rockin' out in here?" to which she replied "yeah I was going 'woo hoo, woo hoo' and wavin' my arms in the air, the nurses had to come in and tell me to settle down so I don't disturb the other patients"...quick as a whip this mother of ours, what a crack up. She had lipstick on and big smiles for me. She said that she talked to Jarom yesterday and she was touched that he told her that she was an excellent mother of boys. (and girls might I add) She is so cool and her pixie hair cut very chic and sassy! Here are a few photos from when Justin, Kaiti, uncle Michael and Jennie took her outside to get a sunburn so that she might add melanoma to her list of ailments :) Aren't these photos cute? Michael and Jennie did a spa treatment for her, talk about a pampered princess.
* these pictures were taken middle of may 2009
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